After numerous unsuccessful attempts at root canal treatments and challenges with bridges, as well as fixed or removable dentures, dentists in Houston are advocating for dental implant procedures. Dental implants provide a solution to various issues faced by patients dealing with dentures, bridges, and missing teeth resulting from accidents. This treatment option addresses many problems and alleviates concerns associated with natural teeth, including dental decay.

If you have a single missing tooth, the dentist might recommend a Single-Tooth Implant. The dentist surgically places a tooth implant in an opening expertly made in the jawbone. Following a designated period and based on the overall health of the patient, the implant fuses with the bone, serving as a new “root” for the crown that will replace the missing tooth. A crown, designed to resemble a natural tooth, is then affixed to the implant, filling the entire space left by the missing tooth in the mouth.

For the dental implants Houston, it is crucial to have sufficient bone in the jaw, with the bone being robust enough to support the tooth implant. In cases of inadequate bone mass, the dentist may need to perform bone augmentation to add the necessary bone. If all the natural teeth and supporting tissues near the intended implant site are in good health, placing the implant becomes a viable option.

Houston dental implants are recommended for various reasons, including a missing tooth, a gap between teeth, smile enhancement, cosmetic concerns, and more. Individuals with missing teeth encounter difficulties not only in chewing but also in their speech. The absence of teeth brings about changes in biting force, impacting the remaining teeth. Compensating for the missing tooth puts additional pressure on other teeth, leading to discomfort in the jawline. Delaying replacement increases the risk of surrounding teeth shifting and the accumulation of harmful tartar.