Oral Health is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. It can affect your work life, relationships, and many other aspects of your lifestyle. But your lifestyle also affects oral health. Here are 5 ways you can improve your oral health by making healthy lifestyle choices!

Avoid Unhealthy Beverages and Drink More Water

Many delicious drinks we also love can adversely affect oral health. The caffeine content in many sodas and the sugar and acid content of energy drinks can impact our bodies in many ways. For those who struggle with dry mouth, these drinks can make it more difficult to promote a healthy mouth. The acid and sugar content can also contribute to wear on tooth enamel, increasing your risk for cavities. Instead of reaching for a sweet beverage, drinking water can often promote better oral health, clearing your mouth of food debris and harmful substances that can cause plaque buildup.

Prioritize Self Care

Self-care can include good dental care. Often, those who suffer from bruxism or teeth grinding are affected by stress. Finding time to relax and reduce stress can affect your oral health if bruxism is a problem.
But also, spending time and investing in excellent self-care by prioritizing oral hygiene can affect your oral health in even bigger, more universal ways. It can be easy to shorten tooth brushing time when you’re in a hurry or to stick to the same old oral hygiene routine. But think outside of the box, and consider the many ways you can change it up and improve at the same time. Investing in you can be investing in your health. Upgrading your dental hygiene routine with things like dental apps or an electric toothbrush can keep it interesting and benefit you in the long run.

Eat Healthy Foods

What you eat affects your teeth. We all know to avoid sticky, sugary foods like hard candy or taffy. But you can still eat well while considering your teeth. Choosing chocolate over sticky candy is an example of a more dental-friendly food. Fresh fruits and vegetables, cheese, nuts, and yogurt are all examples of foods that affect oral health for the better! Also, incorporating sugar-free gum into your day can help to promote good oral health as well.

Prioritize Preventative Healthcare

Having regular dental cleanings affects your oral health with those cleaner, sparkling teeth, but it can also affect oral health by giving you regular access to your dentist and their staff, who can speak to your specific needs and situation.

Contact our dental office to make an appointment with a dentist who may be able to help you find out more about this topic and improve your oral health.